Singing Guide: Jon McLaughlin

Singing Guide: Jon McLaughlin

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to Sing Like Jon McLaughlin

Jon McLaughlin is known for his expressive and emotional voice that can convey a broad range of feelings, from joy to heartache. To sing like him, you should focus on the following:

Vocal Technique

Jon McLaughlin's voice is characterized by his melismatic runs and the smooth transitions between his head and chest voices. To emulate his style, you should develop your voice in the following areas:

  • Breathing technique: Practicing proper breathing techniques is essential to develop your vocal capacity and create consistent and beautiful sound.
  • Chest and head voice coordination: Jon McLaughlin effortlessly transitions between his chest and head voices. You can learn to do the same by practicing vocal exercises that help you strengthen your bridge or the area between your chest and head voice.
  • Resonance: Achieving proper resonance will help you project your voice with more power and clarity, making it easier for you to convey emotion in your singing.
  • Vibrato: Vibrato is an essential element of Jon McLaughlin's style and a hallmark of emotional singing. You can learn to sing with vibrato by practicing vocal warm-ups that teach you how to control your diaphragm and throat muscles.

Songs to Study

To learn Jon McLaughlin's style, you should study a variety of his songs that showcase his vocal technique and emotional range:

  • "Beautiful Disaster": This song is an excellent showcase of Jon's emotional range and storytelling abilities. Try to emulate the emotional intensity of his delivery.
  • "So Close": This song highlights Jon's use of vibrato and dynamic range, moving from gentle crooning to powerful belting. Practice moving between your chest and head voices while maintaining a consistent vibrato.
  • "Human": This song demonstrates Jon's ability to sing with a rich, soulful tone; focus on developing your resonance and breath support to achieve this quality.

Resources to Use

In addition to studying Jon McLaughlin's songs and developing your vocal technique, there are many resources on Singing Carrots that can help you improve your singing skills:

  • Vocal range test: Determine your vocal range and compare it to Jon's and other famous singers.
  • Pitch accuracy test: Assess and improve your pitch accuracy using simple melodies.
  • Vocal Pitch Monitor: See your sung notes on a virtual piano and get real-time feedback on your pitch and timing.
  • Pitch Training: Use a range of interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises to improve your pitch and agility.
  • Song search: Find songs matching your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference.
  • Artist vocal ranges: Discover vocal ranges of over 5000 famous singers including Jon McLaughlin.
  • Song-book: Create your performance set and get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.